Thursday, October 15, 2009

Snuggle Time with Lily

We are watching my parents dog, Lily, for a couple weeks and the girls love to have her around. Jordyn has been sick the last few days and this is pretty much where they have both been hanging out. Jordyn with her blankie and Lily with hers too.

Raegan lets Lily out every morning and is such a big helper. Unfortunately, the girls fight over who gets to give her treats, pet her or feed her. Needless to say, Lily takes it all in stride. What a great dog! The girls will miss her when she leaves.

1 comment:

  1. Cute blog... I started a profile when I was on maternity leave and had good intentions of writing updates, but I never got it going. I hope one day I will. I think this is a great way for family and friends to see what you are up to.

