Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ultrasound Pictures of our Lil' Man

Introducing the next Hoellrich baby!! We are over the moon excited to be having a little boy. It still seems very surreal that I should be looking at boy bedding, clothing and the other fun things to go with. The overall ultrasound went really well and everything looked great. I had to take pictures of the actual ultrasound pictures so they may be a little fuzzy.
This was the hardest picture to get. He just didn't want to give us a side view.
He was starting to get very tired of being looked at. This is a very big yawn.
Waving "Hi" to his Mommy and Daddy.
His two feet
The $1000 shot! He showed us the "family jewels" right in the beginning of the appointment. We still can't believe it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

20 Weeks

We've hit the halfway point! I'm now 20 weeks and definately starting to "pop". These past few weeks have had a few firsts. The baby started to really move at 18 weeks and hasn't stopped yet. I also passed my first glucose test EVER! That was very big for me, although I do have to take another one at 26 weeks but we can keep our fingers crossed. Overall I feel really good and have no major complaints. Loving this last pregnancy (yes, this is the final one!) and find it very surreal that I won't be having any more babies. Weird after spending that last 6 years either pregnant or trying to get pregnant.

Introducing Lydia Rose Hoellrich!!

Lydia Rose was born March 17th at 2:21am. She was 8 lbs., 2 oz. and 21 inches. AJ and I and Missy and Pat (the aunts and uncles) went to visit Keri, Doug and Lydia yesterday. Keri looks great and is a true super woman after MANY hours of labor. Lydia is absolutely adorable and definately looks like a "Hoellrich baby": chubby cheeks, head full of hair and long skinny legs. We are so excited to have this newest addition to the ever growing family. Less than 5 months and she'll have another cousin to play with.
Lydia Rose Hoellrich. Such a beautiful name!
Uncle AJ with his niece
Lydia with her 2 aunts
Aunt Jessie is already talking her ear off.

Monday, March 15, 2010

5 Year Checkup

Raegan had her five year checkup today. She was all pumped up to get her shots for Kindergarten, but had also been battling a slight fever the last two days. Her overall checkup went really well and she passed with flying colors. She did have a slight fever so they wouldn't allow her to get the shots. She was actually disappointed! I swear she'll be a doctor or nurse when she grows up. She LOVES going to see the doctor and learning about all the instruments they use and always asks alot of questions. They did swab her throat but no strep so that's good. All in all, the doctor said she was more than ready to head to Kindergarten.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Miss Lyla's Birthday Party

This weekend we went to Toledo to celebrate Lyla's first birthday with the family. Krista and her family had come into town for her party and it was nice that we were able to spend the day with them. Lyla is such a sweet girl and so happy. The girls had a blast playing with their cousins and hanging out with their Aunt, Uncle and Grandpa. We hope to see the Galat's again very soon.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

18 Week Checkup

Today I had my 18 week prenatal checkup and one hour glucose test. Everything looked good and the sugar test went fine. I find out in a day or so whether or not I passed it. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I might get lucky on this one. The heartbeat sounded good, in the high 140's and the baby is really starting to have its active moments during the day. Overall, I've been feeling pretty good lately. A little more tired than usual and taking some afternoon naps whenever the kids are sleeping. I'm not a nap person so this is really unusual for me. We have our ultrasound next week so we are getting really excited to find out the sex of the baby. Just hoping it cooperates and gives us a good showing.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

No Training Wheels

We bought Raegan a new bike this past weekend because she had outgrown her toddler one and it was time for it to be passed down to Jordyn. On Monday she said she wanted to take off the training wheels and by Tuesday she was riding ALL by herself. She was a little afraid at first, but caught on very quick. All we have to teach her is how to get started with no help. The only injury was one lightly skinned knee. We are so impressed with how quickly she learned to ride her bike and she's got a smile on from ear to ear. Jordyn didn't want to feel left out so Raegan took a picture of her after we came in from riding bikes.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Missing Out on the Game

Jordyn has had a bad cold since Saturday. We were hoping by today she would feel better, but she just hasn't been able to shake it. Tonight is the Holgate Tigers girls basketball game for sectionals and she was really excited to go, as was the rest of the family. So AJ took Raegan to the game and we are home watching movies. First she wants to watch Fern Gully then eat some chicken noodle soup and after dinner watch My Little Pony. Sounds like a nice night for her and a boring one for me. :) Oh well, its not often I get some alone time with Jordyn so we are going to snuggle on the couch and watch movies.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pregnancy "Glow", Fevers and Conferences

This past week has been packed full of sickness, parent/teacher conferences and struggling with my pregnancy "glow" (as I like to call it). Jordyn woke up Saturday morning with a fever and has been hanging on to it for the last few days. Nothing to go with it, but a runny nose so hoping it will be over with in the next day or so. Unfortunately, I think she got it from my mom while we were there visiting last week. Thanks, Mom! :) Surprisingly, Raegan has not gotten sick yet and we are keeping our fingers crossed that she doesn't. She seems to catch all the colds in this family and just got done with a sinus infection last week.

A little rant: For many women, pregnancy is a time for glowing skin and feeling wonderfully beautiful. Unfortunately, this has never happened to me. I don't mean to complain (well, maybe a little) because I love everything about being pregnant and feel incredibly blessed to have this little peanut growing inside of me, but my pregnancy comes with two things: acne and splotchy redness. My hormones go nuts, as do every other womens, and the way my body reacts is like a 15 year olds. I never dealt with bad skin as a teenager but I can sympathize with them now. My chin (always just my chin) is an explosion of craziness and I also look constantly "flushed". Granted this all goes away once I have the baby, but for 9 months I am usually trying to conceal the zits and redness. This doesn't usually work, but not for lack of trying. To add a little salt to the wound, I found my first 2 gray hairs last week. I think I actually screamed when I saw them! I quickly plucked them and then was told by my Dad, "For every gray hair pulled, another 2 will grow back." Well isn't that lovely. So I've been feeling a little down in the dumps this week but trying to work my way out of it. I'm sure some of you enjoyed a little chuckle from reading this, because really what do I have to complain about? However, I feel much better now that I've got that off my chest. Now on to more important things....

AJ and I went to Raegan's parent/teacher conference last night for her preschool. They do an evaluation on the kids to see how they will perform in Kindergarten next year. We were very excited to hear that Raegan passed with flying colors. Her teacher said she is more than ready for Kindergarten and should have no problems learning to read next year. Its such a relief to know that she does well in school and even enjoys it. We were also told that she has a wonderful sense of humor and is very self-confident. There is nothing I want to hear more, as a mom and woman, that my daughter has great self-confidence. So we are very excited for her to start school next year and can't wait to see what she learns.