Thursday, May 27, 2010


Raegan had her first t-ball games this week. She did such a great job and got solid base hits every time she was up to bat. Even though the temperatures were in the low 90's it was still fun to see her play. She's having a really good time playing/hanging out with her friends.

Her two best buds, Mariam and Tennley
AJ is helping coach too. Here they are giving the kids a pep talk before they bat. Raegan is #6.
Getting ready to hit
Raegan's own little cheerleader. Even though Jordyn would rather be out there playing with her.
Playing pitcher
Going for the grounder.

Monday, May 24, 2010

29 Weeks

I have finally made it into the thrid trimester and I couldn't be more excited! Overall things are going good. The baby is super active and it often feels like he's kickboxing in my belly. Unfortunately, I did end up having the gestational diabetes so I'm trying to get used to eating crazy healthy and taking my blood sugar. Nothing that I haven't had to do before with my other pregnancies but it's still hard passing up the "bad" food when it looks so good. Can't believe it's summer already and hoping these next 11 weeks fly by with our busy schedules.

Water Fun

Sunday was a gorgeous day that we spent outside getting our pool area setup. Started the morning off with the girls playing in the water bucket and as the temperatures climbed they threw on their suits and got in their kiddie pool. Unfortunately, it will be another week or so till our pool is ready for swimming, but the girls didn't seem to mind.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Birthday Party

Raegan went to her first birthday party today all by herself. She was super excited to be invited to her preschool friend, Tennley's, 5th birthday. She couldn't wait to give her the Barbie doll and Hannah Montana makeup. Just another reminder that she is growing up so fast.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Preschool Program

Raegan and her preschool class put on a musical program to show all the parents and grandparents the songs they had learned throughout the year. Surprisingly, Raegan got super nervous and was crying as she walked out onto the stage. She quickly calmed down but said later that when she saw all the people waiting to watch the program she got really nervous and scared. Overall she did great and was smiling by the end of the songs.

Beginning of the program she was crying and not singing

She started getting into as they began singing more songs
Afterwards with her preschool diploma. I can't imagine in 13 years when she's holding her highschool one. Sniff, Sniff.
With her teacher for the last 3 years, Mrs. Gerken, who is such a great lady and will be sorely missed.

I'm Baaackkk!

I know it's been awhile since I've posted any pics, but it's been quiet around here with not many reasons to take pics. Things are picking up again with preschool coming to an end, tball season starting, pool/lake season right around the corner and other fun things. Quick update on the pregnancy side. I had my 27 week checkup today and everything went well. Heartbeat sounded great, high 140's, and this lil man is moving constantly with the occassional elbow jabs that tend to make me jump right out of my seat. The boy is strong! Also had another one hour sugar test today. That went well and keeping my fingers crossed that the results come back with the right LOW numbers. All in all, we are doing great. Kids are getting excited for Memorial Day weekend at the lake, as are AJ and I. The pictures will start picking back up with all the fun things that are ahead of us this summer.