Sunday, December 19, 2010

Disney on Ice

My mom and I took the girls to see Disney on Ice. It was such a good time and the girls had a blast.

Excited for the show to start
Jordyn's doll.
Raegan's light thingy, aka, a weapon
We had great seats. The skaters were really good and the costumes were awesome.

Play Time

Zach loves to play in his Exersaucer!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Zach is 4 Months Old

Zach turned 4 months old last week. He is growing so fast! He learned how to roll over last week and started taking baths in the tub. He enjoys it so much more than the infant tub. Jordyn thought it looked like so much fun that she jumped in with him.

Raegan's Birthday Party

Raegan had her first birthday party with just her girlfriends. Six girls came, through a snow storm, to celebrate with her. She was so giddy the whole day and couldn't wait for the party to begin. They made necklaces, decorated cupcakes, had a treasure hunt and played dress up. It was a whirlwind two hours!!
Cupcake station

Group shot
Making necklaces
Opening presents
Decorating cupcakes
Raegan's cupcake

Raegan Turns Six!!

Raegan turned six this past weekend. We had a great time celebrating ALL weekend!! She is one loved litte girl and got lots of great presents from family and friends.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Raegan's Christmas Program

Raegan had her first CCD Christmas program. Her class told the Christmas Story of baby Jesus being born. She was Mary and very excited about it too. The really neat thing was that she wore the same costume that her Aunt Missy wore when she was Raegan's age. Her Grandma Diane also made the costume for Missy too.

Some of the other kids in her class.
Rae getting ready to walk down the aisle to the stage
"Mary and Joseph"

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Zach Trying His Cereal

We thought we would give cereal a try even though he is still a little young but definately big enough. We tried for about a week and this was his look every time we went to feed him. He had absolutely no interest or any idea what he was supposed to be doing. Needless to say, we are going to wait a few more weeks and then give it another try.

His "every five minute" smile. I don't think I've seen a more smiley baby than Zach. He is finally through his colic stage and is definately making up for lost time. He's always happy and ready with a big cheesy gummy smile. So cute!!